life coaching
Are you ready to imagine bringing what makes your heart sing out into the world, manifest it, and transform the obstacles that get in the way? At Resiliency Coaching we create a safe space to develop a creative partnership in which we can expand the view of what is possible in your life. This expanded view can inspire you to apply your experience, skills and talents in new ways. In doing so, you will be in a position to create the life you authentically want. Please remember that even the most well lived lives can contain moments when obstacles require us to find new tools to deal with adversity or the unexpected - so whatever has us feeling stuck, can become the curriculum for growth.
As a Coach, I assume more is possible for you than either of us can imagine, and that you are fully capable of realizing this potential. I pledge to ask evocative questions and push at the limitations that hold you back. I also commit to calling out what may be uncomfortable in order to help you achieve your goals. Coaching is not therapy, medical care, financial advice, legal counsel, friendship or spiritual guidance. My services do not replace those individuals who are qualified in those fields. I know that making a commitment to Coaching is a huge step. I honor the investment you are exploring and the risks involved in stepping up to make changes in your life. We will develop skills that help you to identify what is most important, align values, (re)build self esteem/agency, find purpose, supporting structures, embrace change, learn to be more optimistic, develop problem solving skills, and establish goals. Try a discovery session. It’s free! You can book an appointment below.